About LZR7™ Laser /Light Therapy
How effective is Laser /Light Therapy?
Laser therapy is a safe and effective solution to relieving pain and healing the body without invasive surgery or potentially harmful medications. Over 4,000 studies demonstrate the positive effects of laser therapy, and it’s earned approval from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat a range of conditions.
Why LZR7™?
The LZR7™ Laser System is a value priced light therapy device with dramatically higher performance than competitors. There are less expensive devices on the market, but they do not have the power, portability, versatility, or quality of the LZR7™. The LZR7™ is a true class Class 4 laser, depending on the probe that is utilized. Our most popular probes with therapists and doctors are our 4,000 mW clusters and it is the world’s most powerful cool laser. This cool power, with little to no heat, gives it a unique place in the market.
What are the basic specifications of LZR7™?
There are two control units. This is the box that drives the handpeices (probes):
1- The PowerMax Desktop (DT) has two channels so the clinician can treat two patients at once in a physical therapy suite or treat one patient with two probes with a total power of up to 8,000 mW!!1
2- The LZR7™ Portable (PT) is the most powerful portable on the market. It can drive up to 3,000 mW and weighs less than 3 pounds.
Why Buy a 4,000 mW Cluster Probe?
4,000 mW Cluster Probe: This is still the most powerful cool laser on the market. The most powerful competitive probe is 4,000 milliwatts. This is the probe for the practitioner that wants fast and effective results. Patients feel very fast relief from the most powerful cool laser on the market. And, for the practitioner wanting to treat patients with lightening fast speed, they can use two 4,000 mW probes simultaneously, with 8,000 mW!!
Why Buy a 500 mW Point Probe?
The 500mW point probe can be used for hand therapy, laser acupuncture, laser ear acupuncture, or treatment of tinnitus (ringing in the ears). The 500 mW point probe is the most powerful small tipped probe available. It is excellent for treating small joints in the hands and feet, and laser acupuncture points. The narrow, optional fine tip attachment is excellent for laser ear acupuncture, which is the most popular application for smoking cessation, weight loss, and a host of other maladies.
How Laser /Light Therapy Works
Depth of Penetration. Emitted photons (light particles) penetrate approximately 2-4 inches under the skin surface with some light penetrating up to 9 inches!
Talking Points for the LZR7™
1- It looks cool and state-of-the-art.
2- Your patients will be impressed.
3- A powerful laser places you on the cutting edge of physical therapy/chiropractic.
4- Average clinician sees a 15-20% increase in business within the first year.
5- The LZR7™ is a state-of-the-art modality that demonstrates that you are an innovator and interested in using the newest, most sophisticated
6- You can demonstrate great treatment techniques.
7- Because the DT can treat with two channels simultaneously, it can produce up to 8,000 milliwatts with one patient or treat two patients simultaneously.
8- Provides a tool to rapidly decrease pain, making for happier patients who refer in more friends and family
9- 810 nm wavelength and rounded lens for deep penetration into muscles, joints, nerves and disks.
10- Can be shared by many doctors or therapists
11- So lightweight it can be carried from room to room.
12- Very dependable with an excellent parts and labor warranty.
How often should you use low level Laser /Light Therapy?
Acute conditions may require daily treatment, in particular if they are accompanied by significant pain. Chronic problems typically respond better when the treatments are received 2-3 times per week.
Does low level Laser /Light Therapy work?
Studies have shown that LLLT stimulated hair growth in both men and women. Studies with largest randomized controlled trials demonstrated statistically significant hair regrowth by terminal hair count in both males and females.
Who is not suitable for Laser?
Certain conditions, such as autoimmune diseases (e.g., lupus, rheumatoid arthritis), immunodeficiency states (e.g., HIV) and diabetes, and some medications (e.g., retinoic acid and steroids) may prevent proper healing after a refractive procedure.
Can you do Laser /Light Therapy everyday?
Acute conditions may be treated daily, particularly if they are accompanied by significant pain. More chronic problems respond better when treatments are received 2 to 3 times a week, tapering to once every week or two as improvement is seen.
Send Us Your Questions

Suffering from Allergies?
by Laser Allergy Relief Center
Should you ice after laser therapy?
Shortly after your treatment, you can reduce any swelling, redness, or irritation by icing the affected area with ice packs or cold compresses.
How long does low level Laser /Light Therapy last?
Laser treatment may last as little as 5 minutes, or as long as 20 minutes.
Are Lasers safe to use?
Laser treatment is extremely safe. Technological and medical advances in recent years have significantly lowered the chances of serious side effects. Unlike all other modalities, the safety of cool laser requires very little training and it is common to have an aid, nurse or assistant provide the treatment. In addition, it is safe over metal, plastic, glues, sutures, pacemakers, even spinal cord stimulators. Thus, it is an ideal modality for even very ill patients and exceptional for treating patients who have had joint replacements or heart surgery.
Is 4 Laser /Light Therapy sessions enough?
Generally, clients need about two to six laser treatments in order to completely get rid of hair. You can expect to see about a 10% to 25% reduction in hair after your first treatment. As you continue your treatments, more and more hair will fall out, and you’ll notice that it continues to grow back more slowly.
What is an allergy?
An allergy by definition is the body’s inappropriate reaction to an otherwise harmless substance. Your body sees an ordinary substance as foreign and attacks it, sending you into an allergic reaction (red, itchy eyes, a scratchy throat, trouble breathing etc)
What is the LZR7™ and what does it do?
LZR7™ combines the best of the 3,000 year old principles of Eastern medicine (acupuncture), the latest western knowledge in human biology and physiology with 21 century computer soft ware and laser technology to eliminate the bodies inappropriate reaction to otherwise harmless substances and thereby eliminating the symptoms caused by: Pet Allergies (cats, dogs, horses, and rabbits)
Environmental Allergies (mold, mildew, dust, perfumes, metals, pollutants and chemicals)
Seasonal Allergies (grasses, trees, plants, pollen, etc.)
Food Allergies (dairy, wheat, sugar, fruits, nuts, etc.)
Skin conditions (Eczema, psoriasis, rashes)
Can the LZR7™ really eliminate all types of allergies?
Yes! Through a process called Immune Conditioning the LZR7™ re-educates the immune system and eliminates the bodies inappropriate (allergic) reactions to all types of allergens.
Are there any side effects?
No long term side effects have been reported. A small percentage of patients report slight flushing or congestion for a short time (one hour or so) after their session, but this is actually a sign that the body is detoxifying (a good thing). This process is safe, fast, non-invasive, and painless.
Is this therapy safe for children?
Yes! It is safe for people of all ages.
How long is a typical doctors appointment?
A typical Doctors appointment following the initial consultation visit will take an average of about 15-20 minutes..
How many visits does typical treatment require?
This therapy typically consists of 12 treatments. One or two additional treatments may be required in an especially difficult case. (This is a big improvement over other devices considered state of the art just a couple years ago which would take 24 or more treatments for difficult cases). This represents a big savings in both time and money for you.
When do patients notice improvement in their allergy symptoms?
Many people notice a diminishing of symptoms after their first of second visit. Individual timetables to achieve symptomatic relief will vary based on the individual’s severity of conditions and state of overall health.
What is LZR7™ success rate in treating allergies?
Doctors using this system nationwide treat thousands of patients all report 90 percent success rates and some even a little higher. Not everyone will respond due to the vast amount of variables in human physiology as well as the complexities of allergens; however, the overall success rate is extremely high, particularly compared to other forms of allergy treatment.
How long does symptom relief last?
Clinically it has been noted that you do not see a recurrence of allergies from a successfully treated allergen. but it does depend upon a person’s lifestyle, work environment, medications, stress levels, diet, etc. Allergies are an error message- the body perceives something as harmful when it isn’t. A new allergy can occur or old one can come back if the situation that caused the allergy to begin is present. The good news is that for most people the results appear to be permanent and if the allergy does reoccur it should only take one re treatment for that particular allergen family.
Why should I choose LZR7™ treatment at the Laser Allergy Relief Center of Schererville over conventional allergy treatments?
At the Spine Institute of Schererville, we believe your quality of life is just as important as your allergy treatments. We specialize in LZR7™ immune conditioning treatments because it is able to quickly relieve the reactions caused by an allergy or sensitivities, allowing the patient to be exposed to the substance without any of the allergic reactions they had previously suffered and without any side effects that may come with other treatments.
In contrast, conventional allergy treatments can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life. For people with multiple allergies/sensitivities, conventional treatment recommends avoiding the allergens. However, particularly with food, that requires a heavily restricted diet. Drugs, such as antihistamines, may relieve symptoms of environmental allergies but do not address the cause of the reaction, so once the sufferer stops using the drugs, the symptoms typically return. Additionally, aside from the short term nature of drug-based treatment, many people suffer side-effects from drug use, whether prescription medications or over the counter drugs. The long term effects of the use of these drugs on the body are unknown.
The other most common conventional allergy therapy involves desensitizing the patient to allergens through a series of injections over many months (at least 6) and sometimes years, often with mixed results. At the Laser Allergy Relief Center of Schererville, our LZR7™ treatments results in relief of symptoms within hours of days, not months or years. We want you to enjoy your life symptom free now! What we offer is more relief, faster without the side effects or decrease in quality of life.
Technical Questions
About Lasers & Wristcuffs
What substances can the LZR7™ identify as stressors (potential allergens)?
The LZR7™ has a data base of over 100,000 potential allergens. This technology can identify almost every known substance that could possibly cause a stress reaction.
How does the wrist cuff measure which digital signals (corresponding to different allergens) my body reacts to?
Using biofeedback the sensors on the wrist cuff measure the Bio-impedance of the skin and SEMG Bio-Coherence to detect reactions of the body as it is being exposed to the digital signal of different allergens. Unlike other devices of this nature which use only one sensor the LZR7™ uses 8 sensors each detecting a different component of how the body reacts to each signal.
What are low level lasers? What makes a laser an induction laser?
Low level laser therapy refers to the modality of applying a “low” energy or “low level” laser (coherent light) to tissue that stimulates cellular processes and thereby enhancing biochemical reactions. Because of the low power nature of low level laser, the effects are biochemical and not thermal and cannot cause heating and thereby cannot damage living tissue.
What have studies shown that low level laser does? what beneficial effects does it have?
Four distinct effects are known to occur when using low level laser therapy:
1. Growth factor response within cells and tissue as a result of increased ATP and protein synthesis; improved cell proliferation; change in cell membrane permeability to calcium up-take.
2. Pain relief as a result of increased endorphin and encephalin release; and increased serotonin release this can also have the effect of calming down the nervous system.
3. Strengthening the immune system response via increasing levels of lymphocyte activity and through a newly researched mechanism termed photo-modulation of blood.
4. Cellular communication enhancement through the nervous system.
All this laser talk sounds dangerous is it painful?
NO! The Laser that is used as part of the therapy to give you relief is a class 3 induction Laser which means that it is not used to cut or burn. It is an induction laser that was specifically designed to stimulate the nervous system in a non-invasive non-painful way. It is perfectly safe.
Are there any side affects to low level laser used?
There are over 1500 published studies and not one of them mention any negative side effects of semi-conductor diode lasers at the 5 mW range (low level laser). Low Level lasers are safe, non-toxic and non-invasive; there has not been a recorded side effect in over 1700 publications. There are some necessary common sense precautions that need to be considered, such as avoiding pointing the laser directly into the eye and maintaining it there could prove to be damaging to the eye.