Cold Laser Therapy
Bone Regeneration & Repair
The bone regeneration and repair of fractures resulting from trauma, osteoporosis or tumors, is a major problem in our super -aging society.
The regeneration process is one of the main topics of concern in regenerative medicine.
In recent years, stem cells have been employed in regenerative medicine with interesting results due to their self-renewal and differentiation capacity.
Moreover, stem cells are able to secrete bioactive molecules and regulate the behavior of other cells in different host tissues.
The regeneration process may improve effectively and rapidly when stem cells are used.
The regeneration of the bone depends on osteoinductive factors that regulate inflammation stimulate revascularization/ angionesis, stimulate mineralization and resorption cartilage tissue, and induce bone remodeling.
The study aimed to systematically appraise the evidence on the effects of low level laser therapy (LLLT) on bone healing following rapid maxillary expansion (RME).
Despite the limited evidence, LZR7 laser therapy seems to be a promising intervention for stimulating immediate bone regeneration and repair, healing after mid palatal suture expansion. Long-term, randomized clinical trials are needed to formulate safe results and establish a reliable clinical protocol, rendering the method clinically applicable.
From the evaluation of bone density, the results showed that the laser improved the opening of the midpalatal suture and accelerated the bone regeneration process.The low-level laser, associated with rapid maxillary expansion, provided efficient opening of the midpalatal suture and influenced the bone regeneration process of the suture, accelerating healing.