Osteoarthritis & Laser Therapy
Dealing with the pains of Arthritis
Osteoarthritis causes painful difficulties
Osteoarthritis causes painful difficulties in daily activities lead to functional limitations, reduced quality of life, and participation in social life restrictions . OA is expected to be the fourth leading cause of disability by the year 2020. According to the last bulletin of WHO, moderate to severe disabilities as a result of osteoarthritis cover 10 mln. оf the population in developed countries and 33.5 mln. of the population in countries with lower income. In general disability as a result of osteoarthritis affects 43.4 mln. of the world population . This defines the medical and social importance of osteoarthritis.
Treatment for osteoarthritis requires the direct application of light over the affected area. Whereas treatment for rheumatoid arthritis is the same although it can also involve the application of light to the blood. This would make sense as rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease and the actual root problem is in the immune cells, the joints are only a symptom.
The first major symptom of arthritis, often debilitating and life-changing, is pain. This is the most common area in which light therapy is studied.
By potentially decreasing inflammation within the joint, there will likely be a decrease in pain. Practically all areas have been studied in human clinical trials including on the knees, shoulders, jaw, fingers/hands/wrists, back, elbows, neck and ankles/feet/toes.
The first major symptom of arthritis, often debilitating and life-changing, is pain. This is the most common area in which light therapy is studied. By potentially decreasing inflammation within the joint, there will likely be a decrease in pain. Practically all areas have been studied in human clinical trials including on the knees, shoulders, jaw, fingers/hands/wrists, back, elbows, neck and ankles/feet/toes.
However ,LZR7 laser therapy intensity laser radiation is a relatively new method of application in physical therapy practice, as different mechanisms of action, compared with low intensity laser radiation. It is traditionally applied in surgery for the purpose of destruction of tissues.
In recent years, some studies were published about the impact of high intensive laser radiation on cell cultures in vitro or on experimental animals. There are a few clinical trials in patients with different disorders .
Moreover, the study aims to evaluate the efficiency of high intensity laser therapy in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. The analysis of the results in the test group found that high intensity laser therapy is effective for reducing pain in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. There was an immediate effect after each procedure, which was demonstrated with clinical improvement of patients. There is also a cumulative effect after the 7-day course of treatment. The effect of laser therapy regarding pain reduction lasted for 3 months.
LZR7 laser therapy is effective in relieving pain and disability in degenerative osteoarthritis of the knee.Based on the results of our pilot study we may conclude that high intensity laser therapy could be recommended as a treatment of choice for reduction of pain and improving of function in patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Further studies are needed to clarify the best treatment protocol and the long-term results.
Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the major types of arthritis being studied, due to their prevalence ,although there is reason to believe the same treatment might be of interest for other types of arthritis (and even unrelated joint problems such as injury or post-surgery0) such as psoriatic , gout and even juvenile arthritis. Treatments for osteoarthritis tend to involve direct application of light over the affected area. Successful treatments for rheumatoid arthritis can be the same but some involve application of light to the blood .As rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition this makes sense – the joints are just the symptom, the actual root problem is in the immune cells.
Due to their prevalence, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the major types of arthritis being studied, but there is a reason to believe other types such as psoriatic , gout or even conditions such as fibromyalgia might benefit as well.
Many factors are playing a role in the cause of arthritis, however, it’s evident there is some connection to reduced energy. Production and the subsequent effect that has on the body, eventually leading to the joint inflammation.
Early treatment of arthritis with Adenosine Triphosphate (the cellular energy metabolism product) had positive results, and this is the same energy molecule that red and infrared light therapy helps our cells to produce.
LZR7 laser therapy works by targeting the cellular origins of arthritis. Cells absorb the red and near-infrared wavelengths (600-890nm) and turn that light energy into chemical energy through a response commonly known as Photobiomodulation. Research has proven that red and near-infrared light increases the production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP), often referred to as the energy currency of the cell. This increase in adenosine triphosphate production results in more energy for the cell to perform more efficiently and repair damage.
After exposure to the specific wavelengths, Nitric Oxide (NO), frequently called the ‘miracle molecule’, is triggered and released. Nitric oxide is the body’s natural vasodilator which widens blood vessels and capillaries. After just 20 minutes of light therapy, blood flow is increased to nerves and other tissues, and this boost lasts for several hours circulating anti-inflammatory and restorative proteins throughout the body.